KUALIFIKASI: 1. Fresh Graduate, atau pengalaman kerja maksimal 1 tahun dari semua jurusan. 2. IPK minimum 2,75 dari skala 4. 3. Berijasah minimum DIII dari perguruan tinggi berakreditasi minimum B. 4. Usia maksimal 27 tahun pada tahun 2012 5. Sehat jasmani dan rohani (dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan sehat dari RSU setempat). 6. Minimal English Score dari lembaga terpercaya: TOEFL = 450 / IBT = 45 / IELTS = 5,5 / TOEIC = 500 (dibuktikan dengan scan dokumen terlampir). 7. Memiliki surat bebas NAPZA dari pihak kepolisian (terlampir) 8. Memiliki SKCK dari pihak kepolisian (terlampir) CARA PENDAFTARAN: 1. Tes Seleksi akan diadakan di kota: JAKARTA, BANDUNG, SURABAYA, dan JOGJA dengan jadwal dan tempat yang akan diberitahukan menyusul kepada kandidat yang dinyatakan lolos seleksi administrasi (pastikan e-mail anda aktif!). 2. Kirimkan Surat Lamaran dengan disertai CV terbaru, dan dokumen pendukung (ijasah, transkrip nilai, surat akreditasi universitas, surat keterangan sehat, sertifikat English Score, surat bebas narkoba, dan SKCK) ke alamat email: erp.2012@elnusa.co.id (maksimal attachment 500 kb) dengan subject: ERP2012(nama kota tempat tes). 3. Anda bisa menyerahkan berkas lamaran anda di JOB FAIR yang diikuti oleh PT. Elnusa Tbk. dengan rincian sbb: Universitas Indonesia: 20-22 September 2012 ITB: 12 - 14 Oktober 2012 UGM: 20 - 21 Oktober 2012 Universitas Airlangga: 8 - 10 November 2012 |
26 September 2012
24 September 2012
PT. AT Indonesia is a joint venture between PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. and Aisin Takaoka Japan is the largest Casting & Machining Component/Part Automotive and Non-automotive Manufacturing in Indonesia.
Engineering Design Staff
Engineering Casting Staff
Plant / Manufacture Engineer
Production Staff
Maintenance Staff
Sales Engineer
PPIC Staff
Engineering Design Staff
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Associate Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering
- Computer literate special Auto Cad, Catia and Unigraphic
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
Engineering Casting Staff
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Associate Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
Plant / Manufacture Engineer
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Associate Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical or Mechatronic /Electromechanical Engineering
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
Production Staff
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Associate Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
Maintenance Staff
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Associate Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical or Mechatronic /Electromechanical Engineering
- Have knowledge about PLC, automation and troubleshooting will be an advantage
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
Sales Engineer
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Bachelor Degree (S1) or Associate Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
PPIC Staff
- Male / Female, Age less than 26 years old
- Fresh graduates/Entry level, maximum 2 years in work experience, minimum GPA 2.75 for Engineering background and minimum GPA 3.00 for non engineering background
- Student in Final year are encouraged to apply
- Associate Degree (D3) in related major preferable Industrial Engineering
- Proactive, pressure persistent and able to thrive in fast-paced.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral with the ability to communicate effectively with all levels.
- Willing to be located at Karawang West Java
20 September 2012
PZ Cussons Indonesia
PZ Cussons Plc is a FTSE 250 listed Consumer Products Group based in the UK, with operations in Africa, Asia and Europe. PZ Cussons Indonesia is a well-known multinational company with a long history of producing Personal Care & Baby Care Product range.
We recruit, develop and retain a great team of people who are aligned with our values and who can drive our plans for growth. Our aim is to create a high performance culture offering career experiences and development. We work together as a true meritocracy where leadership is determined by talent. We are looking for qualified individual & Talents to join our company for the following position:
We recruit, develop and retain a great team of people who are aligned with our values and who can drive our plans for growth. Our aim is to create a high performance culture offering career experiences and development. We work together as a true meritocracy where leadership is determined by talent. We are looking for qualified individual & Talents to join our company for the following position:
Responsible to operate the machine and keep it running smoothly, keep maintain the quality and output of the product in high standard and updated in the system.
- Candidate must possess at Diploma Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
- Required skill(s): independent, fast learner, energise, good team work, Able to maintain machine
- Willing to work in Tangerang
- English
- Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply
- 21 Full-Time position are available
Qualified candidates are challenged to apply.
Drop your resume / CV to Pengembangan & Kerjasama Diploma Teknik Mesin UGM
or by email directly to:
17 September 2012
PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Kami mengundang anda untuk bergabung bersama Perusahaan kami sebagai :
Driver Truck Delivery (DD)
Persyaratan :
• Pria,
• Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
• Pendidikan SMK / sederajat
• Mempunyai SIM B 1
• Pengalaman Mengemudi minimal 1 tahun
• KTP Jabodetabek
Bila anda memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dan nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi disertai dengan kode posisi ( DD ) di sebelah kiri atas amplop ke :
HRPD - Recruitment
PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor
Gedung Training Center TB1
Jl. P. Diponegoro Km 38,2
Tambun – Bekasi 17510
( Surat lamaran paling lambat kami terima tanggal 30 September 2012 )
PT. Suzuki Indomobil
As a response to the global transformation plan and to extend our perspectives in Suzuki’s Business Growth, We intend to share the challenging experiences and opportunities to young prominent individual to join and be part of our growth as:
download here
13 September 2012
PT.Chemco Harapan Nusantara
Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dan memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan, PT.Chemco Harapan Nusantara memberi kesempatan berkarir kepada lulusan Program Diploma dan Sarjana.
PT. Chemco Harapan Nusantara berdiri sejak 1984 dengan bidang usaha Brake System, Alumunium Casting Parts dan Alumunium Casting Wheels membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas untuk posisi:
D3 Adm. Bisnis; memiliki SIM A diutamakan
D3 / S1 T. Mesin, T. Elektro
D3 / S1 Hukum, Psikologi, memiliki SIM A diutamakan
D3 / S1 T. Mesin, T. Industri, T. Elektro
D3 / S1T. Informatika
D3 / S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi, Perpajakan
Syarat dan ketentuan Umum
-Laki-laki usia 27 th
-IPK min 2,75 skala 4
-Berbadan Sehat
-Memiliki inisiatif tinggi dan dinamis
-Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim maupun individu
-Dapat mengoperasikan komputer
-Bersedia tinggal di Bekasi atau Karawang, Jawa Barat
-Dapat Berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasia Inggris dan atau Jepang lebih diutamakan
Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, Referensi Kerja, Foto Copy KTP, Pas photo berwarna terbaru (4x6) 2 lembar ke:
PT. Chemco Harapan Nusantara Plant Cikarang
Jl. jababeka Raya Blok F No. 19-28
Cikarang-Bekasi, Jawa Barat
atau ke alamat email: recruitment@chemco.co.id
INDOMOBIL NISSAN, salah satu perusahaan otomotif terbesar yang menjalankan bisnisnya sebagai dealer produk Nissan di Indonesia, mengundang putera-putri terbaik untuk berkarir bersama kami sebagai:
Service Advisor (SA)
kualifikasi umum:
-D3/S1 Teknik Mesin / Otomotif,
-IPK Min. 2,75
-Pria Usia Maks. 27 th
Part Inventory Control (PIC)
kualifikasi umum:
-D3/S1 Teknik Industri/Mesin/Elektro,
-IPK min. 2,75
-Pria, Usia Maks.27 th
Foreman (FR)
kualifikasi umum:
-SMK Otomotif dengan pengalaman Teknisi Min. 5 tahun
-D3/S1 Teknik Otomotif
-IPK min. 2,75
-Pria Usia Maks. 27 th
Bagi yang tertarik untuk tumbuh dan mengembangkan karir di Indomobil Nissan segera Kirimkan CV dan lamaran lengkap Anda, dengan mencantumkan KODE JABATAN yang diminati dan Nama tempat /media sumber informasi lowongan di POJOK KANAN ATAS amplop atau di SUBJECT email, ke:
Wisma Indomobil 1 lt.8
Jl. Letjen MT Haryono Kav. 8
Jakarta Timur, 13330
Email: recruitment.nissan@nisan.indomobil.co.id
(maks.300kb) info selengkapnya
AGRU Technologi
AGRU Technology merupakan perusahaan nasional yang bergerak di bidang
Engineering Manufakture, Stainless Steel, Plastic, Konstruksi, Special
Purpose Machine dan Overhaul. Perusahaan kami mensuply barang-barang ke
berbagai perusahaan, menangani perbaikan mesin mesin industri dan
pembuatan mesin mesin industri. Perusahaan kami selalu memberikan yang
terbaik untuk Pelanggan
saat ini membutuhkan tenaga Engineering
Syarat :
1. Bisa Gambar teknik.
2. Drafting dengan 3D software
3. lulusan SMK /D3 Teknik Mesin
4. Mau belajar dan bekerja keras
bagi yang berminat segera kirim email CV lengkap ke alamat ini
cc: madexkoe@yahoo.co.id
Paling lambat tanggal 22 September 2012
saat ini membutuhkan tenaga Engineering
Syarat :
1. Bisa Gambar teknik.
2. Drafting dengan 3D software
3. lulusan SMK /D3 Teknik Mesin
4. Mau belajar dan bekerja keras
bagi yang berminat segera kirim email CV lengkap ke alamat ini
cc: madexkoe@yahoo.co.id
Paling lambat tanggal 22 September 2012
31 Agustus 2012
We are a multi-national Joint Venture company between PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk. and POSCO (KOREA) engaged in steel industry with the capacity of 3 million tons/year in the first stage. The company (pt Krakatau Posco) shall starts its operation in begin of 2014.Right now we are looking for the best graduates and who are willing to learn and build trust with open mind to be members of our MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PROGRAM
1.Bachelor/Academy Graduates (S1/D3) MAJOR IN : •Mechanics (S1/D3/D4) •Electrical/Instrument(D3/D4) •Metallurgy (S1)
2.Maximum 25 years old for S1 and 23 years old for D3
3.GPA/IPK : 2.85 of 4.0 scale
4.Hard working, creative, initiative and able to interact with other teams effectively
1. Work location in Cilegon, Banten Province
2. Training in Cilegon & has oportunity to be training in Korea on October 2012
3. Further information about steps and how to apply, please refer to our website.
4. Apply to Bagian Pengembangan dan Kerjasama Diploma Teknik Mesin SV-UGM
5. The closing date for applications is on October 3rd 2012.
6. Just only the match candidate will be shortlisted
1.Bachelor/Academy Graduates (S1/D3) MAJOR IN : •Mechanics (S1/D3/D4) •Electrical/Instrument(D3/D4) •Metallurgy (S1)
2.Maximum 25 years old for S1 and 23 years old for D3
3.GPA/IPK : 2.85 of 4.0 scale
4.Hard working, creative, initiative and able to interact with other teams effectively
1. Work location in Cilegon, Banten Province
2. Training in Cilegon & has oportunity to be training in Korea on October 2012
3. Further information about steps and how to apply, please refer to our website.
4. Apply to Bagian Pengembangan dan Kerjasama Diploma Teknik Mesin SV-UGM
5. The closing date for applications is on October 3rd 2012.
6. Just only the match candidate will be shortlisted
28 Agustus 2012
Komatsu Indonesia is a leading heavy equipment manufacturer in Indonesia. The company
produces not only complete machines but also steel casting, fabricated and hydraulic components for Indonesia as well as overseas market. Currently, Komatsu Indonesia operates in 2 major industrial areas and supported by more than 1,800 people employees, The Company also consolidated all Indonesia operation which consists of 6 other companies under its control. As part of the company’s strategy and activities, we challenge you to join our team as:
I. Junior Engineer [JENG] – Jakarta Raya
Candidates will be assigned to the most suitable function with in the company which included Design, Production, Inspection and Maintenance.
1. Diploma in Mechanical or Foundry Engineering from reputable university with minimum GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Possess high interest and understanding in manufacturing process.
3. Having experience in engineering area is preferred but fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
4. Computer literate.
5. Able to communicate in English
II. Maintenance Junior Engineer [ME-JENG] - Jakarta Raya
The incumbent will be in charge of handling matters related to maintenance electrical system and support system production as well as providing support for improvement projects.
1. Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Mechatronic from reputable university with
GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Possess understanding of industrial electrical system as well as PLC.
3. Possess sufficient knowledge related to mechanical aspects of machines and facilities.
4. Having experience in manufacturing company is an advantage but fresh
graduates are encouraged to apply.
5. Computer literate.
6. Able to communicate in English
III. Tax Junior Staff [TAX - JST] - Jakarta Raya
Selected candidates will be in assigned to handle tax and Accounting administration as well as tax report and accounting report
1. Diploma of Tax or Accounting from reputable university with GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Having certificate In Brevet A and Brevet B an advantage.
3. Having experience in handling tax report related matters but Fresh graduates/Entry
level applicants are encouraged to apply.
4. Computer literate.
5. Able to communicate in English.
IV. Accounting Junior Staff [ACC - JST] - Jakarta Raya
Selected candidates will be in assigned to handle finance and accounting administration as well as accounting report.
1. Diploma of Finance or Accounting from reputable university with GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Familiar with accounting system is advantage.
3. Having experience in Accounting and Finance related matters but Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
4. Computer literate.
5. Able to communicate in English.
If you meet our qualifications, Please send your application, complete CV, supporting documents and recent photograph with the position code on the upper left corner of the envelope or as the e-mail subject at the latest on to 14 September 2012.
PT Komatsu Indonesia
Human Resources Development
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Km. 4 Jakarta 14140
produces not only complete machines but also steel casting, fabricated and hydraulic components for Indonesia as well as overseas market. Currently, Komatsu Indonesia operates in 2 major industrial areas and supported by more than 1,800 people employees, The Company also consolidated all Indonesia operation which consists of 6 other companies under its control. As part of the company’s strategy and activities, we challenge you to join our team as:
I. Junior Engineer [JENG] – Jakarta Raya
Candidates will be assigned to the most suitable function with in the company which included Design, Production, Inspection and Maintenance.
1. Diploma in Mechanical or Foundry Engineering from reputable university with minimum GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Possess high interest and understanding in manufacturing process.
3. Having experience in engineering area is preferred but fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
4. Computer literate.
5. Able to communicate in English
II. Maintenance Junior Engineer [ME-JENG] - Jakarta Raya
The incumbent will be in charge of handling matters related to maintenance electrical system and support system production as well as providing support for improvement projects.
1. Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Mechatronic from reputable university with
GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Possess understanding of industrial electrical system as well as PLC.
3. Possess sufficient knowledge related to mechanical aspects of machines and facilities.
4. Having experience in manufacturing company is an advantage but fresh
graduates are encouraged to apply.
5. Computer literate.
6. Able to communicate in English
III. Tax Junior Staff [TAX - JST] - Jakarta Raya
Selected candidates will be in assigned to handle tax and Accounting administration as well as tax report and accounting report
1. Diploma of Tax or Accounting from reputable university with GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Having certificate In Brevet A and Brevet B an advantage.
3. Having experience in handling tax report related matters but Fresh graduates/Entry
level applicants are encouraged to apply.
4. Computer literate.
5. Able to communicate in English.
IV. Accounting Junior Staff [ACC - JST] - Jakarta Raya
Selected candidates will be in assigned to handle finance and accounting administration as well as accounting report.
1. Diploma of Finance or Accounting from reputable university with GPA not less than 2.75 of 4 scales.
2. Familiar with accounting system is advantage.
3. Having experience in Accounting and Finance related matters but Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
4. Computer literate.
5. Able to communicate in English.
If you meet our qualifications, Please send your application, complete CV, supporting documents and recent photograph with the position code on the upper left corner of the envelope or as the e-mail subject at the latest on to 14 September 2012.
PT Komatsu Indonesia
Human Resources Development
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Km. 4 Jakarta 14140
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